-- Network Working Group                                      C. Srinivasan
-- Request for Comments: 3812                                Bloomberg L.P.
-- Category: Standards Track                                 A. Viswanathan
--                                                   Force10 Networks, Inc.
--                                                                T. Nadeau
--                                                      Cisco Systems, Inc.
--                                                                June 2004

--      Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE)
--                    Management Information Base (MIB)


      Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, Counter64, TimeTicks,
         FROM SNMPv2-SMI                                    -- [RFC2578]
         FROM SNMPv2-CONF                                   -- [RFC2580]
      TruthValue, RowStatus, RowPointer, StorageType,
         FROM SNMPv2-TC                                     -- [RFC2579]
      InterfaceIndexOrZero, ifGeneralInformationGroup,
         FROM IF-MIB                                        -- [RFC2863]
      mplsStdMIB, MplsBitRate, MplsBurstSize, MplsLSPID,
      MplsTunnelIndex, MplsTunnelInstanceIndex,
      MplsTunnelAffinity, MplsExtendedTunnelId, MplsPathIndex,
      MplsPathIndexOrZero, MplsOwner, TeHopAddressType,
      TeHopAddress, TeHopAddressAS, TeHopAddressUnnum
         FROM MPLS-TC-STD-MIB                               -- [RFC3811]
         FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB                            -- [RFC3411]
         FROM DIFFSERV-MIB                                  -- [RFC3289]
         FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB                              -- [RFC3291]

         "200406030000Z" -- June 3, 2004
         "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Working Group"
           "        Cheenu Srinivasan
                    Bloomberg L.P.
            Email:  cheenu@bloomberg.net

                    Arun Viswanathan
                    Force10 Networks, Inc.
            Email:  arunv@force10networks.com

                    Thomas D. Nadeau
                    Cisco Systems, Inc.
            Email:  tnadeau@cisco.com

                   Comments about this document should be emailed
                   directly to the MPLS working group mailing list at
            "Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). The
            initial version of this MIB module was published
            in RFC 3812. For full legal notices see the RFC
            itself or see: http://www.ietf.org/copyrights/ianamib.html

            This MIB module contains managed object definitions
             for MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) as defined in:
            1. Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et
             al, RFC 3209, December 2001
            2. Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi
             (Editor), RFC 3212, January 2002
            3. Requirements for Traffic Engineering Over MPLS,
             Awduche, D., Malcolm, J., Agogbua, J., O'Dell, M.,
             and J. McManus, [RFC2702], September 1999"

      -- Revision history.

         "200406030000Z" -- June 3, 2004
           "Initial version issued as part of RFC 3812."

      ::= { mplsStdMIB 3 }

   -- Top level components of this MIB module.

   -- traps
   mplsTeNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeStdMIB 0 }
   -- tables, scalars
   mplsTeScalars       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeStdMIB 1 }
   mplsTeObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeStdMIB 2 }
   -- conformance
   mplsTeConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeStdMIB 3 }

   -- MPLS Tunnel scalars.

   mplsTunnelConfigured OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "The number of tunnels configured on this device. A
             tunnel is considered configured if the
             mplsTunnelRowStatus is active(1)."
      ::= { mplsTeScalars 1 }

   mplsTunnelActive OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "The number of tunnels active on this device. A
             tunnel is considered active if the
             mplsTunnelOperStatus is up(1)."
      ::= { mplsTeScalars 2 }

   mplsTunnelTEDistProto OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        BITS {
             other (0),
             ospf (1),
             isis (2)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "The traffic engineering distribution protocol(s)
             used by this LSR. Note that an LSR may support more
             than one distribution protocol simultaneously."
      ::= { mplsTeScalars 3 }

   mplsTunnelMaxHops OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "The maximum number of hops that can be specified for
             a tunnel on this device."
      ::= { mplsTeScalars 4 }

   mplsTunnelNotificationMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS   read-write
      STATUS       current
           "This variable indicates the maximum number of
             notifications issued per second. If events occur
             more rapidly, the implementation may simply fail to
             emit these notifications during that period, or may
             queue them until an appropriate time. A value of 0
             means no throttling is applied and events may be
             notified at the rate at which they occur."
      DEFVAL       { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTeScalars 5 }

   -- End of MPLS Tunnel scalars.

   -- MPLS tunnel table.

   mplsTunnelIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        IndexIntegerNextFree (0..65535)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "This object contains an unused value for
           mplsTunnelIndex, or a zero to indicate
           that none exist. Negative values are not allowed,
           as they do not correspond to valid values of

           Note that this object offers an unused value
           for an mplsTunnelIndex value at the ingress
           side of a tunnel. At other LSRs the value
           of mplsTunnelIndex SHOULD be taken from the
           value signaled by the MPLS signaling protocol.
      ::= { mplsTeObjects 1 }

   mplsTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "The mplsTunnelTable allows new MPLS tunnels to be
             created between an LSR and a remote endpoint, and
             existing tunnels to be reconfigured or removed.
             Note that only point-to-point tunnel segments are
             supported, although multipoint-to-point and point-
             to-multipoint connections are supported by an LSR
             acting as a cross-connect.  Each MPLS tunnel can
             thus have one out-segment originating at this LSR
             and/or one in-segment terminating at this LSR."
      ::= { mplsTeObjects 2 }

   mplsTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "An entry in this table represents an MPLS tunnel.
             An entry can be created by a network administrator
             or by an SNMP agent as instructed by an MPLS
             signalling protocol. Whenever a new entry is
             created with mplsTunnelIsIf set to true(1), then a
             corresponding entry is created in ifTable as well
             (see RFC 2863). The ifType of this entry is

           A tunnel entry needs to be uniquely identified across
             a MPLS network. Indices mplsTunnelIndex and
             mplsTunnelInstance uniquely identify a tunnel on
             the LSR originating the tunnel.  To uniquely
             identify a tunnel across an MPLS network requires
             index mplsTunnelIngressLSRId.  The last index
             mplsTunnelEgressLSRId is useful in identifying all
             instances of a tunnel that terminate on the same
             egress LSR."
           "1. RFC 2863 - The Interfaces Group MIB, McCloghrie,
             K., and F. Kastenholtz, June 2000 "
      INDEX {  mplsTunnelIndex,
      ::= { mplsTunnelTable 1 }

   MplsTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         mplsTunnelIndex              MplsTunnelIndex,
         mplsTunnelInstance           MplsTunnelInstanceIndex,
         mplsTunnelIngressLSRId       MplsExtendedTunnelId,
         mplsTunnelEgressLSRId        MplsExtendedTunnelId,
         mplsTunnelName               SnmpAdminString,
         mplsTunnelDescr              SnmpAdminString,
         mplsTunnelIsIf               TruthValue,
         mplsTunnelIfIndex            InterfaceIndexOrZero,
         mplsTunnelOwner              MplsOwner,
         mplsTunnelRole               INTEGER,
         mplsTunnelXCPointer          RowPointer,
         mplsTunnelSignallingProto    INTEGER,
         mplsTunnelSetupPrio          Integer32,
         mplsTunnelHoldingPrio        Integer32,
         mplsTunnelSessionAttributes  BITS,
         mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse  TruthValue,
         mplsTunnelResourcePointer    RowPointer,
         mplsTunnelPrimaryInstance    MplsTunnelInstanceIndex,
         mplsTunnelInstancePriority   Unsigned32,
         mplsTunnelHopTableIndex      MplsPathIndexOrZero,
         mplsTunnelPathInUse          MplsPathIndexOrZero,
         mplsTunnelARHopTableIndex    MplsPathIndexOrZero,
         mplsTunnelCHopTableIndex     MplsPathIndexOrZero,
         mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity MplsTunnelAffinity,
         mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity MplsTunnelAffinity,
         mplsTunnelExcludeAnyAffinity MplsTunnelAffinity,
         mplsTunnelTotalUpTime        TimeTicks,
         mplsTunnelInstanceUpTime     TimeTicks,
         mplsTunnelPrimaryUpTime      TimeTicks,
         mplsTunnelPathChanges        Counter32,
         mplsTunnelLastPathChange     TimeTicks,
         mplsTunnelCreationTime       TimeStamp,
         mplsTunnelStateTransitions   Counter32,
         mplsTunnelAdminStatus        INTEGER,
         mplsTunnelOperStatus         INTEGER,
         mplsTunnelRowStatus          RowStatus,
         mplsTunnelStorageType        StorageType

   mplsTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Uniquely identifies a set of tunnel instances
             between a pair of ingress and egress LSRs.
             Managers should obtain new values for row
             creation in this table by reading
             mplsTunnelIndexNext. When
             the MPLS signalling protocol is rsvp(2) this value
             SHOULD be equal to the value signaled in the
             Tunnel Id of the Session object. When the MPLS
             signalling protocol is crldp(3) this value
             SHOULD be equal to the value signaled in the
             LSP ID."
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 1 }

   mplsTunnelInstance OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelInstanceIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Uniquely identifies a particular instance of a
             tunnel between a pair of ingress and egress LSRs.
             It is useful to identify multiple instances of
             tunnels for the purposes of backup and parallel
             tunnels. When the MPLS signaling protocol is
             rsvp(2) this value SHOULD be equal to the LSP Id
             of the Sender Template object. When the signaling
             protocol is crldp(3) there is no equivalent
             signaling object."
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 2 }

   mplsTunnelIngressLSRId OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsExtendedTunnelId
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Identity of the ingress LSR associated with this
             tunnel instance. When the MPLS signalling protocol
             is rsvp(2) this value SHOULD be equal to the Tunnel
             Sender Address in the Sender Template object and MAY
             be equal to the Extended Tunnel Id field in the
             SESSION object. When the MPLS signalling protocol is
             crldp(3) this value SHOULD be equal to the Ingress
             LSR Router ID field in the LSPID TLV object."
           "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels,
             Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001
            2. Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi
             (Editor), RFC 3212, January 2002"
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 3 }

   mplsTunnelEgressLSRId OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsExtendedTunnelId
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Identity of the egress LSR associated with this
             tunnel instance."
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 4 }

   mplsTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The canonical name assigned to the tunnel. This name
             can be used to refer to the tunnel on the LSR's
             console port.  If mplsTunnelIsIf is set to true
             then the ifName of the interface corresponding to
             this tunnel should have a value equal to
             mplsTunnelName.  Also see the description of ifName
             in RFC 2863."
           "RFC 2863 - The Interfaces Group MIB, McCloghrie, K.,
             and F. Kastenholtz, June 2000"
      DEFVAL {""}
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 5 }

   mplsTunnelDescr OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "A textual string containing information about the
             tunnel.  If there is no description this object
             contains a zero length string. This object is may
             not be signaled by MPLS signaling protocols,
             consequentally the value of this object at transit
             and egress LSRs MAY be automatically generated or
      DEFVAL {""}
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 6 }

   mplsTunnelIsIf OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "Denotes whether or not this tunnel corresponds to an
             interface represented in the interfaces group
             table. Note that if this variable is set to true
             then the ifName of the interface corresponding to
             this tunnel should have a value equal to
             mplsTunnelName.  Also see the description of ifName
             in RFC 2863.  This object is meaningful only at the
             ingress and egress LSRs."
           "RFC 2863 - The Interfaces Group MIB, McCloghrie, K.,
             and F. Kastenholtz, June 2000"
      DEFVAL { false }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 7 }

   mplsTunnelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "If mplsTunnelIsIf is set to true, then this value
             contains the LSR-assigned ifIndex which corresponds
             to an entry in the interfaces table.  Otherwise
             this variable should contain the value of zero
             indicating that a valid ifIndex was not assigned to
             this tunnel interface."
           "RFC 2863 - The Interfaces Group MIB, McCloghrie, K.,
             and F. Kastenholtz, June 2000"
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 8 }

   mplsTunnelOwner OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsOwner
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Denotes the entity that created and is responsible
             for managing this tunnel. This column is
             automatically filled by the agent on creation of a
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 9 }

   mplsTunnelRole OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        INTEGER { head(1),
                              headTail(4) }
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "This value signifies the role that this tunnel
             entry/instance represents. This value MUST be set
             to head(1) at the originating point of the tunnel.
             This value MUST be set to transit(2) at transit
             points along the tunnel, if transit points are
             supported. This value MUST be set to tail(3) at the
             terminating point of the tunnel if tunnel tails are

            The value headTail(4) is provided for tunnels that
             begin and end on the same LSR."
      DEFVAL { head }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 10 }

   mplsTunnelXCPointer OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        RowPointer
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "This variable points to a row in the mplsXCTable.
             This table identifies the segments that compose
             this tunnel, their characteristics, and
             relationships to each other. A value of zeroDotZero
             indicates that no LSP has been associated with this
             tunnel yet."
           "Srinivasan, C., Viswanathan, A., and T. Nadeau,
             Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching
             Router (LSR) Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3813,
             June 2004"
      DEFVAL        { zeroDotZero }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 11 }

   mplsTunnelSignallingProto OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       INTEGER {
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The signalling protocol, if any, used to setup this
      DEFVAL        { none }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 12 }

   mplsTunnelSetupPrio OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Integer32 (0..7)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "Indicates the setup priority of this tunnel."
           "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels,
             Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001
            2. Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi
             (Editor), RFC 3212, January 2002"
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 13 }

   mplsTunnelHoldingPrio OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Integer32 (0..7)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "Indicates the holding priority for this tunnel."
           "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels,
             Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001

            2. Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi
             (Editor), RFC 3212, January 2002"
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 14 }

   mplsTunnelSessionAttributes OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      BITS {
                     fastReroute (0),
                     mergingPermitted (1),
                     isPersistent (2),
                     isPinned (3),
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "This bit mask indicates optional session values for
             this tunnel. The following describes these bit

           fastRerouteThis flag indicates that the any tunnel
             hop may choose to reroute this tunnel without
             tearing it down.  This flag permits transit routers
             to use a local repair mechanism which may result in
             violation of the explicit routing of this tunnel.
             When a fault is detected on an adjacent downstream
             link or node, a transit router can re-route traffic
             for fast service restoration.

           mergingPermitted This flag permits transit routers
             to merge this session with other RSVP sessions for
             the purpose of reducing resource overhead on
             downstream transit routers, thereby providing
             better network scaling.

           isPersistent  Indicates whether this tunnel should
             be restored automatically after a failure occurs.

           isPinned   This flag indicates whether the loose-
             routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned.

           recordRouteThis flag indicates whether or not the
             signalling protocol should remember the tunnel path
             after it has been signaled."
           "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels,
             Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001."
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 15 }

   mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "Indicates that the local repair mechanism is in use
             to maintain this tunnel (usually in the face of an
             outage of the link it was previously routed over)."
      DEFVAL { false }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 16 }

   mplsTunnelResourcePointer OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        RowPointer
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "This variable represents a pointer to the traffic
             parameter specification for this tunnel.  This
             value may point at an entry in the
             mplsTunnelResourceEntry to indicate which
             mplsTunnelResourceEntry is to be assigned to this
             LSP instance.  This value may optionally point at
             an externally defined traffic parameter
             specification table.  A value of zeroDotZero
             indicates best-effort treatment.  By having the
             same value of this object, two or more LSPs can
             indicate resource sharing."
      DEFVAL        { zeroDotZero }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 17 }

   mplsTunnelPrimaryInstance OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelInstanceIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Specifies the instance index of the primary instance
             of this tunnel. More details of the definition of
             tunnel instances and the primary tunnel instance
             can be found in the description of the TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 18 }

   mplsTunnelInstancePriority OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "This value indicates which priority, in descending
             order, with 0 indicating the lowest priority,
             within a group of tunnel instances. A group of
             tunnel instances is defined as a set of LSPs with
             the same mplsTunnelIndex in this table, but with a
             different mplsTunnelInstance. Tunnel instance
             priorities are used to denote the priority at which
             a particular tunnel instance will supercede
             another. Instances of tunnels containing the same
             mplsTunnelInstancePriority will be used for load
      DEFVAL        { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 19 }

   mplsTunnelHopTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndexOrZero
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "Index into the mplsTunnelHopTable entry that
             specifies the explicit route hops for this tunnel.
             This object is meaningful only at the head-end of
             the tunnel."
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 20 }

   mplsTunnelPathInUse OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndexOrZero
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "This value denotes the configured path that was
             chosen for this tunnel. This value reflects the
             secondary index into mplsTunnelHopTable. This path
             may not exactly match the one in
             mplsTunnelARHopTable due to the fact that some CSPF
             modification may have taken place. See
             mplsTunnelARHopTable for the actual path being
             taken by the tunnel. A value of zero denotes that
             no path is currently in use or available."
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 21 }

   mplsTunnelARHopTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndexOrZero
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Index into the mplsTunnelARHopTable entry that
             specifies the actual hops traversed by the tunnel.
             This is automatically updated by the agent when the
             actual hops becomes available."
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 22 }

   mplsTunnelCHopTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndexOrZero
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Index into the mplsTunnelCHopTable entry that
             specifies the computed hops traversed by the
             tunnel. This is automatically updated by the agent
             when computed hops become available or when
             computed hops get modified."
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 23 }

   mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelAffinity
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "A link satisfies the include-any constraint if and
             only if the constraint is zero, or the link and the
             constraint have a resource class in common."
           "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels,
             Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001."
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 24 }

   mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelAffinity
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "A link satisfies the include-all constraint if and
             only if the link contains all of the administrative
             groups specified in the constraint."
           "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels,
             Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001."
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 25 }

   mplsTunnelExcludeAnyAffinity OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelAffinity
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "A link satisfies the exclude-any constraint if and
             only if the link contains none of the
             administrative groups specified in the constraint."
           "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels,
             Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001."
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 26 }

   mplsTunnelTotalUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TimeTicks
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "This value represents the aggregate up time for all
             instances of this tunnel, if available. If this
             value is unavailable, it MUST return a value of 0."
         ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 27 }

   mplsTunnelInstanceUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TimeTicks
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "This value identifies the total time that this
             tunnel instance's operStatus has been Up(1)."
         ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 28 }

   mplsTunnelPrimaryUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TimeTicks
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Specifies the total time the primary instance of
             this tunnel has been active. The primary instance
             of this tunnel is defined in
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 29 }

   mplsTunnelPathChanges OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Specifies the number of times the actual path for
            this tunnel instance has changed."
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 30 }

   mplsTunnelLastPathChange OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TimeTicks
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Specifies the time since the last change to the
            actual path for this tunnel instance."
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 31 }

   mplsTunnelCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Specifies the value of SysUpTime when the first
             instance of this tunnel came into existence.
             That is, when the value of mplsTunnelOperStatus
             was first set to up(1)."
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 32 }

   mplsTunnelStateTransitions OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Specifies the number of times the state
             (mplsTunnelOperStatus) of this tunnel instance has
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 33 }

   mplsTunnelAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                      -- ready to pass packets
                      -- in some test mode
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "Indicates the desired operational status of this
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 34 }

   mplsTunnelOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                  -- ready to pass packets
                  -- in some test mode
                  -- status cannot be determined
                  -- some component is missing
                  -- down due to the state of
                  -- lower layer interfaces
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Indicates the actual operational status of this
             tunnel, which is typically but not limited to, a
             function of the state of individual segments of
             this tunnel."
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 35 }

   mplsTunnelRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
             delete a row in this table.  When a row in this
             table is in active(1) state, no objects in that row
             can be modified by the agent except
             mplsTunnelAdminStatus, mplsTunnelRowStatus and
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 36 }

   mplsTunnelStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        StorageType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
      DESCRIPTION  "The storage type for this tunnel entry.
                    Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent'
                    need not allow write-access to any columnar
                    objects in the row."
      DEFVAL { volatile }
      ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 37 }

   -- End of mplsTunnelTable

   mplsTunnelHopListIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndexOrZero
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "This object contains an appropriate value to be used
             for mplsTunnelHopListIndex when creating entries in
             the mplsTunnelHopTable.  If the number of
             unassigned entries is exhausted, a retrieval
             operation will return a value of 0.  This object
             may also return a value of 0 when the LSR is unable
             to accept conceptual row creation, for example, if
             the mplsTunnelHopTable is implemented as read-only.
             To obtain the value of mplsTunnelHopListIndex for a
             new entry in the mplsTunnelHopTable, the manager
             issues a management protocol retrieval operation to
             obtain the current value of mplsTunnelHopIndex.

            When the SET is performed to create a row in the
             mplsTunnelHopTable, the Command Responder (agent)
             must determine whether the value is indeed still
             unused; Two Network Management Applications may
             attempt to create a row (configuration entry)
             simultaneously and use the same value. If it is
             currently unused, the SET succeeds and the Command
             Responder (agent) changes the value of this object,
             according to an implementation-specific algorithm.
             If the value is in use, however, the SET fails.  The
             Network Management Application must then re-read
             this variable to obtain a new usable value."
      ::= { mplsTeObjects 3 }

   mplsTunnelHopTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelHopEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "The mplsTunnelHopTable is used to indicate the hops,
             strict or loose, for an instance of an MPLS tunnel
             defined in mplsTunnelTable, when it is established
             via signalling, for the outgoing direction of the
             tunnel. Thus at a transit LSR, this table contains
             the desired path of the tunnel from this LSR
             onwards. Each row in this table is indexed by
             mplsTunnelHopListIndex which corresponds to a group
             of hop lists or path options.  Each row also has a
             secondary index mplsTunnelHopIndex, which indicates
             a group of hops (also known as a path option).
             Finally, the third index, mplsTunnelHopIndex
             indicates the specific hop information for a path
             option. In case we want to specify a particular
             interface on the originating LSR of an outgoing
             tunnel by which we want packets to exit the LSR,
             we specify this as the first hop for this tunnel in
      ::= { mplsTeObjects 4 }

   mplsTunnelHopEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelHopEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "An entry in this table represents a tunnel hop.  An
             entry is created by a network administrator for
             signaled ERLSP set up by an MPLS signalling
      INDEX {
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopTable 1 }

   MplsTunnelHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         mplsTunnelHopListIndex          MplsPathIndex,
         mplsTunnelHopPathOptionIndex    MplsPathIndex,
         mplsTunnelHopIndex              MplsPathIndex,
         mplsTunnelHopAddrType           TeHopAddressType,
         mplsTunnelHopIpAddr             TeHopAddress,
         mplsTunnelHopIpPrefixLen        InetAddressPrefixLength,
         mplsTunnelHopAsNumber           TeHopAddressAS,
         mplsTunnelHopAddrUnnum          TeHopAddressUnnum,
         mplsTunnelHopLspId              MplsLSPID,
         mplsTunnelHopType               INTEGER,
         mplsTunnelHopInclude            TruthValue,
         mplsTunnelHopPathOptionName     SnmpAdminString,
         mplsTunnelHopEntryPathComp      INTEGER,
         mplsTunnelHopRowStatus          RowStatus,
         mplsTunnelHopStorageType        StorageType

   mplsTunnelHopListIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Primary index into this table identifying a
             particular explicit route object."
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 1 }

   mplsTunnelHopPathOptionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Secondary index into this table identifying a
             particular group of hops representing a particular
             configured path. This is otherwise known as a path
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 2 }

   mplsTunnelHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Tertiary index into this table identifying a
             particular hop."
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 3 }

   mplsTunnelHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        TeHopAddressType
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
       DESCRIPTION  "The Hop Address Type of this tunnel hop.

                     The value of this object cannot be changed
                     if the value of the corresponding
                     mplsTunnelHopRowStatus object is 'active'.

                     Note that lspid(5) is a valid option only
                     for tunnels signaled via CRLDP.
       DEFVAL        { ipv4 }
       ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 4 }

   mplsTunnelHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        TeHopAddress
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
       DESCRIPTION  "The Tunnel Hop Address for this tunnel hop.

                     The type of this address is determined by the
                     value of the corresponding mplsTunnelHopAddrType.

                     The value of this object cannot be changed
                     if the value of the corresponding
                     mplsTunnelHopRowStatus object is 'active'.
       DEFVAL       { '00000000'h }  -- IPv4 address
       ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 5 }

    mplsTunnelHopIpPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        InetAddressPrefixLength
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
       DESCRIPTION  "If mplsTunnelHopAddrType is set to ipv4(1) or
                     ipv6(2), then this value will contain an
                     appropriate prefix length for the IP address in
                     object mplsTunnelHopIpAddr. Otherwise this value
                     is irrelevant and should be ignored.
       DEFVAL         { 32 }
       ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 6 }

   mplsTunnelHopAsNumber OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TeHopAddressAS
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "If mplsTunnelHopAddrType is set to asnumber(3), then
             this value will contain the AS number of this hop.
             Otherwise the agent should set this object to zero-
             length string and the manager should ignore this."
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 7 }

   mplsTunnelHopAddrUnnum OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TeHopAddressUnnum
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "If mplsTunnelHopAddrType is set to unnum(4), then
             this value will contain the interface identifier of
             the unnumbered interface for this hop. This object
             should be used in conjunction with
             mplsTunnelHopIpAddress which would contain the LSR
             Router ID in this case. Otherwise the agent should
             set this object to zero-length string and the
             manager should ignore this."
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 8 }

   mplsTunnelHopLspId OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLSPID
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "If mplsTunnelHopAddrType is set to lspid(5), then
             this value will contain the LSPID of a tunnel of
             this hop. The present tunnel being configured is
             tunneled through this hop (using label stacking).
             This object is otherwise insignificant and should
             contain a value of 0 to indicate this fact."
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 9 }

   mplsTunnelHopType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        INTEGER {
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "Denotes whether this tunnel hop is routed in a
             strict or loose fashion. The value of this object
             has no meaning if the mplsTunnelHopInclude object
             is set to 'false'."
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 10 }

   mplsTunnelHopInclude OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "If this value is set to true, then this indicates
             that this hop must be included in the tunnel's
             path. If this value is set to 'false', then this hop
             must be avoided when calculating the path for this
             tunnel. The default value of this object is 'true',
             so that by default all indicated hops are included
             in the CSPF path computation. If this object is set
             to 'false' the value of mplsTunnelHopType should be
      DEFVAL { true }
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 11 }

   mplsTunnelHopPathOptionName OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The description of this series of hops as they
             relate to the specified path option. The
             value of this object SHOULD be the same for
             each hop in the series that comprises a
             path option."
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 12 }

   mplsTunnelHopEntryPathComp OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                         dynamic(1),    -- CSPF computed
                         explicit(2)    -- strict hop
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "If this value is set to dynamic, then the user
             should only specify the source and destination of
             the path and expect that the CSPF will calculate
             the remainder of the path.  If this value is set to
             explicit, the user should specify the entire path
             for the tunnel to take.  This path may contain
             strict or loose hops.  Each hop along a specific
             path SHOULD have this object set to the same value"
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 13 }

   mplsTunnelHopRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
             delete a row in this table.  When a row in this
             table is in active(1) state, no objects in that row
             can be modified by the agent except
             mplsTunnelHopRowStatus and
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 14 }

   mplsTunnelHopStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        StorageType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The storage type for this Hop entry. Conceptual
            rows having the value 'permanent' need not
            allow write-access to any columnar objects
            in the row."
      DEFVAL { volatile }
      ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 15 }

   -- End of mplsTunnelHopTable

   -- Begin of mplsTunnelResourceTable

   mplsTunnelResourceIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0.. 2147483647)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "This object contains the next appropriate value to
             be used for mplsTunnelResourceIndex when creating
             entries in the mplsTunnelResourceTable. If the
             number of unassigned entries is exhausted, a
             retrieval operation will return a value of 0.  This
             object may also return a value of 0 when the LSR is
             unable to accept conceptual row creation, for
             example, if the mplsTunnelTable is implemented as
             read-only.  To obtain the mplsTunnelResourceIndex
             value for a new entry, the manager must first issue
             a management protocol retrieval operation to obtain
             the current value of this object.

            When the SET is performed to create a row in the
             mplsTunnelResourceTable, the Command Responder
             (agent) must determine whether the value is indeed
             still unused; Two Network Management Applications
             may attempt to create a row (configuration entry)
             simultaneously and use the same value. If it is
             currently unused, the SET succeeds and the Command
             Responder (agent) changes the value of this object,
             according to an implementation-specific algorithm.
             If the value is in use, however, the SET fails.  The
             Network Management Application must then re-read
             this variable to obtain a new usable value."
      ::= { mplsTeObjects 5 }

   mplsTunnelResourceTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelResourceEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "The mplsTunnelResourceTable allows a manager to
             specify which resources are desired for an MPLS
             tunnel.  This table also allows several tunnels to
             point to a single entry in this table, implying
             that these tunnels should share resources."
      ::= { mplsTeObjects 6 }

   mplsTunnelResourceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelResourceEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "An entry in this table represents a set of resources
             for an MPLS tunnel.  An entry can be created by a
             network administrator or by an SNMP agent as
             instructed by any MPLS signalling protocol.
            An entry in this table referenced by a tunnel instance
             with zero mplsTunnelInstance value indicates a
             configured set of resource parameter. An entry
             referenced by a tunnel instance with a non-zero
             mplsTunnelInstance reflects the in-use resource
             parameters for the tunnel instance which may have
             been negotiated or modified by the MPLS signaling
      INDEX         { mplsTunnelResourceIndex }
      ::= { mplsTunnelResourceTable 1 }

   MplsTunnelResourceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         mplsTunnelResourceIndex                Unsigned32,
         mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate              MplsBitRate,
         mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate             MplsBitRate,
         mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize         MplsBurstSize,
         mplsTunnelResourceMeanBurstSize        MplsBurstSize,
         mplsTunnelResourceExBurstSize          MplsBurstSize,
         mplsTunnelResourceFrequency            INTEGER,
         mplsTunnelResourceWeight               Unsigned32,
         mplsTunnelResourceRowStatus            RowStatus,
         mplsTunnelResourceStorageType          StorageType

   mplsTunnelResourceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Uniquely identifies this row."
      ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 1 }

   mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsBitRate
      UNITS         "kilobits per second"
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The maximum rate in bits/second.  Note that setting
             mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate, and
             mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize to 0 indicates best-
             effort treatment."
      ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 2 }

   mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsBitRate
      UNITS         "kilobits per second"
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "This object is copied into an instance of
             mplsTrafficParamMeanRate in the
             mplsTrafficParamTable. The OID of this table entry
             is then copied into the corresponding
      ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 3 }

   mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsBurstSize
      UNITS         "bytes"
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The maximum burst size in bytes."
      ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 4 }

   mplsTunnelResourceMeanBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       MplsBurstSize
      UNITS        "bytes"
      MAX-ACCESS   read-create
      STATUS       current
           "The mean burst size in bytes.  The implementations
             which do not implement this variable must return
             a noSuchObject exception for this object and must
             not allow a user to set this object."
      ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 5 }

   mplsTunnelResourceExBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       MplsBurstSize
      UNITS        "bytes"
      MAX-ACCESS   read-create
      STATUS       current
           "The Excess burst size in bytes.  The implementations
             which do not implement this variable must return
             noSuchObject exception for this object and must
             not allow a user to set this value."
           "CR-LDP Specification, Section 4.3."
      ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 6 }

   mplsTunnelResourceFrequency  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       INTEGER { unspecified(1),
      MAX-ACCESS   read-create
      STATUS       current
           "The granularity of the availability of committed
             rate.  The implementations which do not implement
             this variable must return unspecified(1) for this
             value and must not allow a user to set this value."
           "CR-LDP Specification, Section 4.3."
      ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 7 }

   mplsTunnelResourceWeight    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       Unsigned32(0..255)
      MAX-ACCESS   read-create
      STATUS       current
           "The relative weight for using excess bandwidth above
             its committed rate.  The value of 0 means that
             weight is not applicable for the CR-LSP."
           "CR-LDP Specification, Section 4.3."
      ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 8 }

   mplsTunnelResourceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
             delete a row in this table.  When a row in this
             table is in active(1) state, no objects in that row
             can be modified by the agent except
             mplsTunnelResourceRowStatus and
      ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 9 }

   mplsTunnelResourceStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        StorageType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The storage type for this Hop entry. Conceptual
            rows having the value 'permanent' need not
            allow write-access to any columnar objects
            in the row."
      DEFVAL { volatile }

      ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 10 }

   -- End mplsTunnelResourceTable
   -- Tunnel Actual Route Hop table.

   mplsTunnelARHopTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelARHopEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "The mplsTunnelARHopTable is used to indicate the
             hops for an MPLS tunnel defined in mplsTunnelTable,
             as reported by the MPLS signalling protocol. Thus at
             a transit LSR, this table (if the table is supported
             and if the signaling protocol is recording actual
             route information) contains the actual route of the
             whole tunnel. If the signaling protocol is not
             recording the actual route, this table MAY report
             the information from the mplsTunnelHopTable or the

            Each row in this table is indexed by
             mplsTunnelARHopListIndex. Each row also has a
             secondary index mplsTunnelARHopIndex, corresponding
             to the next hop that this row corresponds to.

            Please note that since the information necessary to
             build entries within this table is not provided by
             some MPLS signalling protocols, implementation of
             this table is optional. Furthermore, since the
             information in this table is actually provided by
             the MPLS signalling protocol after the path has
             been set-up, the entries in this table are provided
             only for observation, and hence, all variables in
             this table are accessible exclusively as read-

            Note also that the contents of this table may change
             while it is being read because of re-routing
             activities. A network administrator may verify that
             the actual route read is consistent by reference to
             the mplsTunnelLastPathChange object."
      ::= { mplsTeObjects 7 }

   mplsTunnelARHopEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelARHopEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "An entry in this table represents a tunnel hop.  An
             entry is created by the agent for signaled ERLSP
             set up by an MPLS signalling protocol."
      INDEX { mplsTunnelARHopListIndex, mplsTunnelARHopIndex }
      ::= { mplsTunnelARHopTable 1 }

   MplsTunnelARHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         mplsTunnelARHopListIndex          MplsPathIndex,
         mplsTunnelARHopIndex              MplsPathIndex,
         mplsTunnelARHopAddrType           TeHopAddressType,
         mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr             TeHopAddress,
         mplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum          TeHopAddressUnnum,
         mplsTunnelARHopLspId              MplsLSPID

   mplsTunnelARHopListIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Primary index into this table identifying a
             particular recorded hop list."
      ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 1 }

   mplsTunnelARHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Secondary index into this table identifying the
             particular hop."
      ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 2 }

   mplsTunnelARHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TeHopAddressType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "The Hop Address Type of this tunnel hop.

            Note that lspid(5) is a valid option only
            for tunnels signaled via CRLDP."
      DEFVAL        { ipv4 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 3 }

   mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TeHopAddress
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "The Tunnel Hop Address for this tunnel hop.

            The type of this address is determined by the
            value of the corresponding mplsTunnelARHopAddrType.
            If mplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to unnum(4),
             then this value contains the LSR Router ID of the
             unnumbered interface. Otherwise the agent SHOULD
             set this object to the zero-length string and the
             manager should ignore this object."
       DEFVAL       { '00000000'h }  -- IPv4 address
      ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 4 }

   mplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TeHopAddressUnnum
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "If mplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to unnum(4), then
             this value will contain the interface identifier of
             the unnumbered interface for this hop. This object
             should be used in conjunction with
             mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr which would contain the LSR
             Router ID in this case. Otherwise the agent should
             set this object to zero-length string and the
             manager should ignore this."
      ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 5 }

   mplsTunnelARHopLspId OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLSPID
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "If mplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to lspid(5), then
             this value will contain the LSP ID of this hop.
             This object is otherwise insignificant and should
             contain a value of 0 to indicate this fact."
      ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 6 }

   -- End of mplsTunnelARHopTable
   -- Tunnel Computed Hop table.

   mplsTunnelCHopTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelCHopEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "The mplsTunnelCHopTable is used to indicate the
             hops, strict or loose, for an MPLS tunnel defined
             in mplsTunnelTable, as computed by a constraint-
             based routing protocol, based on the
             mplsTunnelHopTable for the outgoing direction of
             the tunnel. Thus at a transit LSR, this table (if
             the table is supported) MAY contain the path
             computed by the CSPF engine on (or on behalf of)
             this LSR. Each row in this table is indexed by
             mplsTunnelCHopListIndex.  Each row also has a
             secondary index mplsTunnelCHopIndex, corresponding
             to the next hop that this row corresponds to. In
             case we want to specify a particular interface on
             the originating LSR of an outgoing tunnel by which
             we want packets to exit the LSR, we specify this as
             the first hop for this tunnel in

            Please note that since the information necessary to
             build entries within this table may not be
             supported by some LSRs, implementation of this
             table is optional. Furthermore, since the
             information in this table describes the path
             computed by the CSPF engine the entries in this
             table are read-only."
      ::= { mplsTeObjects 8 }

   mplsTunnelCHopEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelCHopEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "An entry in this table represents a tunnel hop.  An
             entry in this table is created by a path
             computation engine using CSPF techniques applied to
             the information collected by routing protocols and
             the hops specified in the corresponding
      INDEX { mplsTunnelCHopListIndex, mplsTunnelCHopIndex }
      ::= { mplsTunnelCHopTable 1 }

   MplsTunnelCHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         mplsTunnelCHopListIndex          MplsPathIndex,
         mplsTunnelCHopIndex              MplsPathIndex,
         mplsTunnelCHopAddrType           TeHopAddressType,
         mplsTunnelCHopIpAddr             TeHopAddress,
         mplsTunnelCHopIpPrefixLen        InetAddressPrefixLength,
         mplsTunnelCHopAsNumber           TeHopAddressAS,
         mplsTunnelCHopAddrUnnum          TeHopAddressUnnum,
         mplsTunnelCHopLspId              MplsLSPID,
         mplsTunnelCHopType               INTEGER

   mplsTunnelCHopListIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Primary index into this table identifying a
             particular computed hop list."
      ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 1 }

   mplsTunnelCHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsPathIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "Secondary index into this table identifying the
             particular hop."
      ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 2 }

   mplsTunnelCHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TeHopAddressType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "The Hop Address Type of this tunnel hop.

            Note that lspid(5) is a valid option only
            for tunnels signaled via CRLDP."
      DEFVAL        { ipv4 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 3 }

   mplsTunnelCHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TeHopAddress
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "The Tunnel Hop Address for this tunnel hop.

            The type of this address is determined by the
             value of the corresponding mplsTunnelCHopAddrType.

            If mplsTunnelCHopAddrType is set to unnum(4), then
             this value will contain the LSR Router ID of the
             unnumbered interface. Otherwise the agent should
             set this object to the zero-length string and the
             manager SHOULD ignore this object."
       DEFVAL       { '00000000'h }  -- IPv4 address
      ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 4 }

   mplsTunnelCHopIpPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        InetAddressPrefixLength
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
            "If mplsTunnelCHopAddrType is set to ipv4(1) or
              ipv6(2), then this value will contain an
              appropriate prefix length for the IP address in
              object mplsTunnelCHopIpAddr. Otherwise this value
              is irrelevant and should be ignored.
       DEFVAL         { 32 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 5 }

   mplsTunnelCHopAsNumber OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TeHopAddressAS
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "If mplsTunnelCHopAddrType is set to asnumber(3),
             then this value will contain the AS number of this
             hop. Otherwise the agent should set this object to
             zero-length string and the manager should ignore
      ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 6 }

   mplsTunnelCHopAddrUnnum OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TeHopAddressUnnum
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "If mplsTunnelCHopAddrType is set to unnum(4), then
             this value will contain the unnumbered interface
             identifier of this hop. This object should be used
             in conjunction with mplsTunnelCHopIpAddr which
             would contain the LSR Router ID in this case.
             Otherwise the agent should set this object to zero-
             length string and the manager should ignore this."
      ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 7 }

   mplsTunnelCHopLspId OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLSPID
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "If mplsTunnelCHopAddrType is set to lspid(5), then
             this value will contain the LSP ID of this hop.
             This object is otherwise insignificant and should
             contain a value of 0 to indicate this fact."
      ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 8 }

   mplsTunnelCHopType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        INTEGER { strict(1),
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Denotes whether this is tunnel hop is routed in a
             strict or loose fashion."
      ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 9 }

   -- End of mplsTunnelCHopTable

   -- MPLS Tunnel Performance Table.

   mplsTunnelPerfTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelPerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "This table provides per-tunnel instance MPLS
             performance information."
      ::= { mplsTeObjects 9 }

   mplsTunnelPerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelPerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "An entry in this table is created by the LSR for
             every tunnel.  Its is an extension to
      AUGMENTS { mplsTunnelEntry }
      ::= { mplsTunnelPerfTable 1 }

   MplsTunnelPerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         mplsTunnelPerfPackets           Counter32,
         mplsTunnelPerfHCPackets         Counter64,
         mplsTunnelPerfErrors            Counter32,
         mplsTunnelPerfBytes             Counter32,
         mplsTunnelPerfHCBytes           Counter64

   mplsTunnelPerfPackets OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Number of packets forwarded by the tunnel.
            This object should represents the 32-bit
            value of the least significant part of the
            64-bit value if both mplsTunnelPerfHCPackets
            is returned."
      ::= { mplsTunnelPerfEntry 1 }

   mplsTunnelPerfHCPackets OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Counter64
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "High capacity counter for number of packets
            forwarded by the tunnel. "
      ::= { mplsTunnelPerfEntry 2 }

   mplsTunnelPerfErrors OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Number of packets dropped because of errors or for
            other reasons."
      ::= { mplsTunnelPerfEntry 3 }

   mplsTunnelPerfBytes OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "Number of bytes forwarded by the tunnel.
            This object should represents the 32-bit
            value of the least significant part of the
            64-bit value if both mplsTunnelPerfHCBytes
            is returned."
      ::= { mplsTunnelPerfEntry 4 }

   mplsTunnelPerfHCBytes OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Counter64
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "High capacity counter for number of bytes forwarded
             by the tunnel."
      ::= { mplsTunnelPerfEntry 5 }

   -- End of mplsTunnelPerfTable

   -- CR-LDP Tunnel Resource Table

   mplsTunnelCRLDPResTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "The mplsTunnelCRLDPResTable allows a manager to
             specify which CR-LDP-specific resources are desired
             for an MPLS tunnel if that tunnel is signaled using
             CR-LDP. Note that these attributes are in addition
             to those specified in mplsTunnelResourceTable. This
             table also allows several tunnels to point to a
             single entry in this table, implying that these
             tunnels should share resources."
      ::= { mplsTeObjects 10 }

   mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
           "An entry in this table represents a set of resources
             for an MPLS tunnel established using CRLDP
             (mplsTunnelSignallingProto equal to crldp (3)). An
             entry can be created by a network administrator or
             by an SNMP agent as instructed by any MPLS
             signalling protocol."
      INDEX { mplsTunnelResourceIndex }
      ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResTable 1 }

   MplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         mplsTunnelCRLDPResMeanBurstSize   MplsBurstSize,
         mplsTunnelCRLDPResExBurstSize     MplsBurstSize,
         mplsTunnelCRLDPResFrequency       INTEGER,
         mplsTunnelCRLDPResWeight          Unsigned32,
         mplsTunnelCRLDPResFlags           Unsigned32,
         mplsTunnelCRLDPResRowStatus       RowStatus,
         mplsTunnelCRLDPResStorageType     StorageType

   mplsTunnelCRLDPResMeanBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsBurstSize
      UNITS         "bytes"
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The mean burst size in bytes."
      ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 1 }

   mplsTunnelCRLDPResExBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsBurstSize
      UNITS         "bytes"
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
        "The Excess burst size in bytes."
        "CR-LDP Specification, Section 4.3."
      ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 2 }

   mplsTunnelCRLDPResFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The granularity of the availability of committed
           "CR-LDP Specification, Section 4.3."
      ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 3 }

   mplsTunnelCRLDPResWeight OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32(0..255)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The relative weight for using excess bandwidth above
             its committed rate.  The value of 0 means that
             weight is not applicable for the CR-LSP."
           "CR-LDP Specification, Section 4.3."
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 4 }

   mplsTunnelCRLDPResFlags OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..63)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The value of the 1 byte Flags conveyed as part of
             the traffic parameters during the establishment of
             the CRLSP. The bits in this object are to be
             interpreted as follows.

             | Res |F6|F5|F4|F3|F2|F1|

           Res - These bits are reserved. Zero on transmission.
             Ignored on receipt.
           F1 - Corresponds to the PDR.
           F2 - Corresponds to the PBS.
           F3 - Corresponds to the CDR.
           F4 - Corresponds to the CBS.
           F5 - Corresponds to the EBS.
           F6 - Corresponds to the Weight.

           Each flag if is a Negotiable Flag corresponding to a
             Traffic Parameter. The Negotiable Flag value zero
             denotes Not Negotiable and value one denotes
           "1. Section 4.3, Constraint-Based LSP Setup using
             LDP, Jamoussi (Editor), RFC 3212, January 2002"
       DEFVAL { 0 }
       ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 5 }

   mplsTunnelCRLDPResRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
             delete a row in this table.  When a row in this
             table is in active(1) state, no objects in that row
             can be modified by the agent except
             mplsTunnelCRLDPResRowStatus and
      ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 6 }

   mplsTunnelCRLDPResStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        StorageType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
           "The storage type for this CR-LDP Resource entry.
            Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent'
            need not allow write-access to any columnar
            objects in the row."
      DEFVAL { volatile }
      ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 7 }

   -- Notifications.

   mplsTunnelNotificationEnable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
           "If this object is true, then it enables the
             generation of mplsTunnelUp and mplsTunnelDown
             traps, otherwise these traps are not emitted."
      DEFVAL { false }
      ::= { mplsTeObjects 11 }

      OBJECTS     {
      STATUS      current
           "This notification is generated when a
             mplsTunnelOperStatus object for one of the
             configured tunnels is about to leave the down state
             and transition into some other state (but not into
             the notPresent state).  This other state is
             indicated by the included value of
      ::= { mplsTeNotifications 1 }

      OBJECTS     {
      STATUS      current
           "This notification is generated when a
             mplsTunnelOperStatus object for one of the
             configured tunnels is about to enter the down state
             from some other state (but not from the notPresent
             state).  This other state is indicated by the
             included value of mplsTunnelOperStatus."
      ::= { mplsTeNotifications 2 }

   mplsTunnelRerouted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS     {
      STATUS      current
           "This notification is generated when a tunnel is
             rerouted. If the mplsTunnelARHopTable is used, then
             this tunnel instance's entry in the
             mplsTunnelARHopTable MAY contain the new path for
             this tunnel some time after this trap is issued by
             the agent."
       ::= { mplsTeNotifications 3 }

   mplsTunnelReoptimized NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS     {
      STATUS      current
           "This notification is generated when a tunnel is
             reoptimized. If the mplsTunnelARHopTable is used,
             then this tunnel instance's entry in the
             mplsTunnelARHopTable MAY contain the new path for
             this tunnel some time after this trap is issued by
             the agent."
       ::= { mplsTeNotifications 4 }

   -- End of notifications.
   -- Module compliance.

      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeConformance 1 }

      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeConformance 2 }

   -- Compliance requirement for fully compliant implementations.

   mplsTeModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
           "Compliance statement for agents that provide full
             support the MPLS-TE-STD-MIB module."

      MODULE IF-MIB -- The Interfaces Group MIB, RFC 2863.

      MODULE -- this module

         -- The mandatory group has to be implemented by all
         -- LSRs that originate/terminate ESLSPs/tunnels.
         -- In addition, depending on the type of tunnels
         -- supported, other groups become mandatory as
         -- explained below.

         MANDATORY-GROUPS    {

         GROUP mplsTunnelManualGroup
             "This group is mandatory for devices which support
              manual configuration of tunnels."

         GROUP mplsTunnelSignaledGroup
             "This group is mandatory for devices which support
              signaled tunnel set up."

         GROUP mplsTunnelIsNotIntfcGroup
             "This group is mandatory for devices which support
              tunnels that are not interfaces."

         GROUP mplsTunnelIsIntfcGroup
             "This group is mandatory for devices which support
              tunnels that are interfaces."

         GROUP mplsTunnelCRLDPResOptionalGroup
             "Objects in this group are required by
              implementations supporting the CR-LDP protocol for
              signalling of TE tunnels."

         GROUP mplsTeNotificationGroup
         DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for those implementations
                      which can implement the notifications
                      contained in this group."

         OBJECT       mplsTunnelRowStatus
         SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) }
         WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2),
                                  createAndGo(4), destroy(6)
         DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait and notReady is not

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopRowStatus
         SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) }
         WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2),
                                  createAndGo(4), destroy(6)
         DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait and notReady is not

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelCRLDPResRowStatus
         SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) }
         WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2),
                                  createAndGo(4), destroy(6)
         DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait and notReady is
                      not required."

      ::= { mplsTeCompliances 1 }

   -- Compliance requirement for read-only implementations.

   mplsTeModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
           "Compliance requirement for implementations that only
             provide read-only support for MPLS-TE-STD-MIB.
             Such devices can then be monitored but cannot be
             configured using this MIB modules."

      MODULE -- this module

         -- mplsTunnelTable

         MANDATORY-GROUPS    {

         GROUP mplsTunnelManualGroup
             "This group is mandatory for devices which support
              manual configuration of tunnels."

         GROUP mplsTunnelSignaledGroup
             "This group is mandatory for devices which support
              signaled tunnel set up."

         GROUP mplsTunnelIsNotIntfcGroup
             "This group is mandatory for devices which support
              tunnels that are not interfaces."

         GROUP mplsTunnelIsIntfcGroup
             "This group is mandatory for devices which support
              tunnels that are interfaces."

         GROUP mplsTunnelCRLDPResOptionalGroup
             "Objects in this group are required by
              implementations supporting the CR-LDP protocol for
              signalling of TE tunnels."

         GROUP mplsTeNotificationGroup
         DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for those implementations
                      which can implement the notifications
                      contained in this group."

         -- mplsTunnelTable

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelName
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelDescr
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelIsIf
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelIfIndex
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelXCPointer
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelSignallingProto
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelSetupPrio
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHoldingPrio
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelSessionAttributes
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelResourcePointer
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelInstancePriority
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopTableIndex
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelExcludeAnyAffinity
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelPathInUse
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelRole
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelAdminStatus
         SYNTAX      INTEGER { up (1), down (2) }
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Only up and down states must be supported. Write
              access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelRowStatus
         SYNTAX      RowStatus { active(1) }
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         -- mplsTunnelHopTable

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopAddrType
         MIN-ACCESS   read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopIpAddr
         MIN-ACCESS   read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopIpPrefixLen
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopAddrUnnum
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopAsNumber
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopLspId
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopType
         SYNTAX      INTEGER { strict(1) }
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "loose(2) need not be supported. Write access is
              not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopInclude
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopPathOptionName
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopEntryPathComp
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopRowStatus
         SYNTAX      RowStatus { active(1) }
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelHopStorageType
         MIN-ACCESS   read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         -- mplsTunnelResourceTable

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelResourceMeanBurstSize
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelResourceExBurstSize
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
             "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelResourceFrequency
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelResourceWeight
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelResourceRowStatus
         SYNTAX      RowStatus { active(1) }
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelResourceStorageType
         MIN-ACCESS   read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         -- mplsTunnelCRLDPResTable

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelCRLDPResMeanBurstSize
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelCRLDPResExBurstSize
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelCRLDPResFrequency
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelCRLDPResWeight
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelCRLDPResFlags
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelCRLDPResRowStatus
         SYNTAX      RowStatus { active(1) }
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsTunnelCRLDPResStorageType
         MIN-ACCESS   read-only
         DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."

      ::= { mplsTeCompliances 2 }

   -- Units of conformance.

   mplsTunnelGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS  current
           "Necessary, but not sufficient, set of objects to
             implement tunnels.  In addition, depending on the
             type of the tunnels supported (for example,
             manually configured or signaled, persistent or non-
             persistent, etc.), the following other groups
             defined below are mandatory: mplsTunnelManualGroup
             and/or mplsTunnelSignaledGroup,
             mplsTunnelIsNotIntfcGroup and/or
      ::= { mplsTeGroups 1 }

   mplsTunnelManualGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS { mplsTunnelSignallingProto }
      STATUS  current
           "Object(s) needed to implement manually configured
      ::= { mplsTeGroups 2 }

   mplsTunnelSignaledGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS  current
           "Objects needed to implement signaled tunnels."
      ::= { mplsTeGroups 3 }

   mplsTunnelScalarGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS  current
           "Scalar object needed to implement MPLS tunnels."
      ::= { mplsTeGroups 4 }

   mplsTunnelIsIntfcGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS { mplsTunnelIsIf }
      STATUS  current
           "Objects needed to implement tunnels that are
      ::= { mplsTeGroups 5 }

   mplsTunnelIsNotIntfcGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS { mplsTunnelIsIf }
      STATUS  current
           "Objects needed to implement tunnels that are not
      ::= { mplsTeGroups 6 }

   mplsTunnelCRLDPResOptionalGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS  current
           "Set of objects implemented for resources applicable
             for tunnels signaled using CR-LDP."
      ::= { mplsTeGroups 7 }

   mplsTeNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
      STATUS  current
           "Set of notifications implemented in this module.
             None is mandatory."
      ::= { mplsTeGroups 8 }
